Seja Bem Vindos / Welcome

domingo, 6 de maio de 2018


Beloved Father, to pray is not to accomplish something magical, not so superstitious, much less esoteric, but to praise, bless, adore, glorify, exalt your holy name to the whole world and live your holy words in our lives for our sanctification. We understand that if our life says nothing, our prayer will not say so much. Merciful Jesus present to us every day with his visit in our lives, in our homes, in our works, in our school, in our sexual life, in our plans, in our personal choices, in our families, make a real presence in our hearts, for only then will we truly love you. Holy Spirit of God help us to understand and experience those words that Jesus said in the Gospel of St. Matthew: "Thus they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore let not man separate what God has joined together "(Mt 19: 6).

* Glory to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning now and forever amen. Our Lady of Graces pray for us who appeal to you.

Wander Venerio Cardoso de Freitas
Specialist in Religious Education - Theologian.

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